Argo Tea's Tea Classics

In addition to Argo Tea’s Signature drinks and Teapuccionos, they also sell plain tea. They have a large selection of loose leaf teas that customers can pick from, with everything ranging from simple black or green teas to flavorful combinations that don’t need any flavored syrups. To make things easier for customers, Argo Tea features of a few of these loose leaf teas on their menu as Tea Classics. These featured teas are often changing, though a few remain consistent over time.

As of writing this article, the Tea Classics at my local Argo Tea are: black tea, white tea, hazelnut chai, Armenian mint, oolong coconut, fruit sangria, and green tea. I will not be reviewing the Hazelnut chai because I am allergic to chai. I also have not had their plain black tea, though I enjoy it in their Carolina Honey, Chocolate Mint Teapuccino, and Black Tea Coconut bubble tea.

White Tea

Argo Tea small hot white tea classic

White Tea is typically my favorite type of hot tea, and this one is satisfactory. It tastes like a typical white tea, though maybe a little more bitter than I am used to. I typically do not like plain white tea iced, so I did not bother to order Argo Tea’s iced.

Armenian Mint

Argo Tea hot Armenian mint tea classic tea bag in mug

I have actually never gotten this tea in Argo Tea stores. A friend gave me some loose leaf of Armenian Mint as a gift, so I have brewed it myself a few times. It has a typical mint tea flavor with a decent amount of cooling sensation. It does taste slightly more herbaceous than other mint teas I’ve tried, and it have a very strong scent. Making this tea in my DavidsTea iced tea press did not change the flavor, but I definitely prefer it hot.

Argo Tea iced Armenian mint tea classic made in DavidsTea iced tea press

Oolong Coconut

Argo Tea small hot oolong coconut tea classic

The Oolong Coconut tea has a strong coconut flavor, but it is not sweet like most coconut things are. As a hot tea, I really enjoyed the lack of sweetness because it allowed the oolong flavor to come through. As an iced tea, I personally wanted it to be sweet and tropical tasting. I think this tea would be delicious as a hot or iced latte with coconut milk.

Argo Tea small iced oolong coconut tea classic

Fruit Sangria

Argo Tea small hot fruit sangria tea classic

Argo Tea’s menu describes the Fruit Sangria as “tangy hibiscus petals blended with sweet apples and fruits.” Typical of hibiscus teas, this drink is slightly bitter and needs a bit of sweetener. The apple and fruit flavors are difficult to distinguish in the hot tea, but come through much more when iced. I think this is the tea used in all of Argo Tea’s hibiscus flavored drinks, all of which are flavorful and delicious.

Argo Tea small iced fruit sangria tea classic

Green Tea

I usually do not like green tea because I find it bitter and musky. Argo Tea’s green tea was not bitter at all, but very vegetal and fresh tasting. Though I still did not enjoy the flavor of the tea, I believe the flavor shows that it is a good quality green tea brewed at the proper temperature.

Argo Tea small hot green tea classic

Whether these teas are listed as the Tea Classics at your local Argo Tea or they are just one of many loose leaf options, they are very good quality teas. My favorite is the iced Fruit Sangria, but all are great options depending on your personal preference.


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