Argo Tea's Vegan Muffins

Argo Tea has a variety of muffins that are perfect for breakfast, or even a snack. While I have tried and enjoyed their some of their regular muffins, I try to limit my dairy intake. Luckily, Argo Tea also has two vegan muffins: a Green Tea Muffin and a Lemon Poppy Seed Muffin. Both muffins are pretty dense and have a similar flavor that is hard to describe, which I’m assuming is caused by the vegan milk and egg substitutes. However, they also have their own unique flavors.

Green Tea Muffin

The Green Tea Muffin has a typical, but light, matcha flavor. It is my favorite out of the two muffins, and definitely my go-to breakfast at Argo Tea. I love pairing it with a classic Carolina Honey.

Lemon Poppy Seed Muffin

This muffin has a strong lemon flavor. The poppy seeds add a nice crunch, but don’t taste like much. I prefer to pair this muffin with a Hibiscus Apple Cider tea, or a Teapuccino.

Both of these muffins make easy, yummy breakfasts that are perfect for Vegans, or anyone interested in these flavors. According to Argo Tea’s website, they have three non-vegan muffins: banana nut, blueberry, and double chocolate chip. They also have seasonal muffins, some of which are Vegan. No matter what your taste or dietary restrictions are, Argo Tea has a muffin for you.

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