Think Coffee Iced Tea

Think Coffee is one of my favorite coffee shops in New York City. They have tons of locations, they are ethical and sustainable, and they have a good variety of tea. So far, I have only tried Think Coffee’s iced tea, but with three varieties—I figured I would share my thoughts on them now. Especially with the weather getting warmer, you might want to stop in and try one if you’re in NYC.

Black Iced Tea

Hand holding small black iced tea with white sleeve that says Think Coffee in light blue circle in front of green plant and wooden bench

Whenever I find out a café or coffee shop has more than one flavor of iced tea, I always start with the basic black tea. This iced tea tastes surprisingly floral, which I really enjoy. The aftertaste is a little bitter, but it seems to disappear the more I drank it—maybe as it became watered down by the ice? Or just as I got used to it? Whatever the reason, Think Coffee’s black iced tea is a good, basic iced tea with a hint of floral flavor.

Green Mint Iced Tea

Hand holding small green mint iced tea with white sleeve that says Think Coffee in blue circle. The background is the empty queue inside a Think Coffee coffeeshop

Disclaimer, I had no idea this was a green tea until I downloaded the Think Coffee app and was looking at the menu there. Prior to that, I thought it was just a mint iced tea because the person who told me the flavors at the shop only said “black, mint, and hibiscus.” I also couldn’t really tell that it was a green tea, though the slightly bitter aftertaste should have tipped me off. The general flavor was mostly just a light, typical mint flavor.

Hibiscus Berry Iced Tea

Like most hibiscus teas, this one is very tart and could use some sweetener. I appreciate Think Coffee doesn’t pre-sweeten their tea, but I don’t have good luck with adding sweetener to iced tea. When I order it again, I will definitely ask for some simple syrup.

Small hibiscus berry iced tea cup with white sleeve that says Think Coffee in light blue circle. The cup is on small circular outdoor table

Oddly enough though, the hibiscus is not the strongest flavor in this iced tea—it is the berry. I couldn’t put my finger on what type of berry, but I’m thinking maybe raspberry. Whatever it was, it blended well with the hibiscus and made for a good iced tea.

So What’s the Tea?

All three of these iced teas from Think Coffee make for good, refreshing drinks. My personal favorite is probably the Black Iced Tea, but I think I will really like the Hibiscus Berry Iced Tea with some sweetener in it. Overall, I could definitely recommend any of them and Think Coffee in general because it is my favorite New York City coffee chain.

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Peet’s Coffee Iced Tea